Gillian Carter (USA / Florida )
Legenda z Floridy k nám prichádza so svojim deviatym albumom “Salvation Through Misery”. Americké progresívne podladené screamo/emoviolence, toto šialenstvo treba zažiť a precítiť:
“Trying to wedge Gillian Carter into a typical musical niche just isn’t worth the time that could be spent listening to their music. The obvious elements audible in the band’s songs are hardcore, screamo, and noise, carried by endless waves of crashing drums, aching riffs, and distorted shrieks. But then a passage of black-metal tremolo picking or lonesome harmonica will break through the track, both sending the listener for a loop and sounding perfectly at home in the middle of that song. The band are eclectic to be sure, but possess a unity of sound that ties everything together." - Chris Krovatin
Spevák, multiinštrumentalista a producent Logan Rivera v sprievode Boba Carusa (basgitara) a Tonyho Orizu (bicie) si vyslúžili široké uznanie od skupín KERRANG!, Invisible Oranges, No Clean Singing a ďalších.
Support: tba
Vstupné: predpredaj 10€ - 13€ // na mieste 15€