Silvester Suske
Ana is a spiritual entity „ze země české“, trying to reach a higher state of consciousness through the sound persistently, if not already there.
„Become a sacred seeker. Let various ambient structures and hypnotic repetitive beats forget yourself. Find the sky above clouds of unstoppable thoughts and daily feelings.
Who are you? Who am I? Who is asking?“
In the last 10 years, any existence of the boards within genres got lost. All that, underlined with something mysterious. Ana is a multisensual person, not only arranging her Sancti event, where she hosted infamous Space Drum Meditation last year, but also giving her energy to dramaturgy at the Kabinet Múz in Brno.
She studies sound design and multimedia technologies. She also is a resident of the sensual nights and collectives such as – AVA – Fungus – Released Spine. Her musical and also production inspiration comes from field recording, too.
You can taste her Smrtega podcasts at Infame Radio.
Silvester Suske (red sofa)
Na elektronickej scéne sa pohybuje od roku ´97, kedy si naladil "garnierov" legendárny "crispy bacon" na už neexistujúcej hudobnej stanici WBPM.Potom sa to rozbehlo od gabba, techno cez minimal a nakoniec k deephouseu, kedy začal prvé vinyly roztáčať pod krídlami českej MUAH crew spolu s DJom PDCH. Písal sa apokalyptický rok 2012.