Cliwax: Nastya Muravyovva (UA), Nina Farrina, 3ever
Cliwax predstavuje ukrajinskú DJku Nastyu Muravyovvú, ktorú už tradične doplnia Nina Farrina a 3ever.
Táto akcia sa konala v minulosti

This time we are bringing our dear friend and talented dj Nastya Muravyova. She had few appearances in Slovakia, for example on Pohoda Festival playing after Jeff Mills, or back to back with Daria Kolosova, where Nina Farrina made also appearance on the line-up as one of her very first gigs. We attented every gig she had in Slovakia and we count it as one of the best nights when we were still living here thanks to her skills and selection, that we digg.

Nastya Muravyova
The Ukrainian artist is known as being one of the hardest working DJs in the scene and made a name for herself in Kyiv at events like Cxema and abroad in some of Europe's more vital capitals including multiple appearances at Berghain. Her diverse musical background and tastes add to her sound which is just as much inspired by post-punk and synth-pop as it is techno.

Slovenský zázrak Nina Farrina v súčastnosti pravidelne reprezentuje techno a underground napríklad v Berlíne v Tresor, RSO, ÆDEN, Gruzinskom Khidi a Tes Club, Frankfurtskom Gotec alebo aj v Švajčiarskom Le Zoo. Tieto skúsenosti ju inšpirujú a motivujú priblížiť tieto zážitky miestnemu publiku.

3ever sa ako dj neustále rozvíja, naberá skúsenosti a na pódiu či v selekcii sa neboji ukázať jeho pravú tvár. Taktiež ho môžete vidieť za gramcami púšťať z vinylu historické techno, ktoré si z iného prehrávača nevypočujete.

Vstupné: len na mieste 10€

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